Local Organizations
Board of Education - Janesville
Connect with your Janesville School Board. Find member contacts plus meeting documents and livestream links.
Janesville City Council
Find contacts for your Janesville City Council representatives. Access agendas, minutes, live streams, and recorded videos for City Council meetings and other city boards, committees, and commissions.
Legal Action of Wisconsin
Provides free civil legal services for low-income persons and seniors in Wisconsin.
Rock County Board
Identify your County Board District and Supervisor. Access video links, agendas and minutes for Rock County Board meetings.
Rock County Register of Deeds
How to access vital records and property records for Rock County
More Resources
City of Janesville

Information and contacts for services provided by the City of Janesville: bus schedules, garbage, utilities, parks, fire, police, property records, and more.
City of Janesville Online Ordinance Book
IRS Forms, Instructions & Publications

Federal tax forms, instructions and publications from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
MyVote Wisconsin

Check MyVote Wisconsin to find your polling place, see what's on your ballot, register to vote, request an absentee ballot, track your ballot, look up your voting history, find In-Person Absentee Voting locations, and more.
MyVote Wisconsin En Español
Rock County

Information and contacts for services provided by Rock County: public health, behavioral health, property taxes, marriage licenses, land management, sheriff, courts, and more.

USA.gov helps you locate and understand government benefits, programs, and information.
USA.gov en espanol
Wisconsin Court System
Find Wisconsin Court forms for family law, probate, small claims actions, and more. Search CCAP for certain public records of the Wisconsin circuit courts.
Wisconsin Department of Revenue en Español

Bienvenidos a la página web del Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Nos complace poder ofrecerle algunas de nuestras preguntas frecuentes en español.
Wisconsin Digital Archives

A collection of documents about the activities, functions, and policies of Wisconsin State Government, from 2001 to current
Wisconsin Election Commission

Learn about voting and elections in Wisconsin, plus ID requirements for voter registration and voting,
Wisconsin Historical Records Repository Directory
Wisconsin State Agencies

Find services and resources provided by the State of Wisconsin: job center, business services, consumer protection, fishing and hunting licenses, drivers’ licenses, highway construction, and more.
Wisconsin State Law Library: A-Z Topics
Browse an alphabetical list of legal topics. Each topic includes links to vetted resources and some include relevant state and/or federal law.
Wisconsin State Legislature

Find your representatives to the Wisconsin State Legislature. Learn how the lawmaking process works and track proposed legislation.
Wisconsin Tax Forms

State tax forms, instructions and publications from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.