The recent tornado in southern Janesville and the Surrey Ridge Apartment fire have left many Janesville residents in need of emergency housing services. HPL has compiled a few resources affected residents can consult.
ECHO offers emergency lodging and other emergency services. Residents will need to fill out a 15-minute survey and may be placed on a waitlist depending on available funds and the residents’ level of need. ECHO is also accepting applications for tornado relief grants. One-time grants of $500 are available as well as grants ranging from $48,000 to $91,000 depending on the applicant’s household income. A committee will review applications every two weeks and grants will be approved on July 26, August 9, and August 23. Households can only apply once. Funds are limited and grants are not guaranteed. Applications are available on the organization’s website.
The American Red Cross of Southwest Wisconsin will set up shop at the Daniel Hale Williams Resource Center, 1717 Center Avenue, to aid residents affected by the Surrey Ridge Apartment fire. Grocery and health services will be provided. For assistance or more information, call 800-236-8680 or 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit the website.
The Rock County Salvation Army is another organization that offers housing for affected residents. You can contact the Janesville location (514 Sutherland Avenue) at 608-757-8300 from 8:30 am to 4 pm Monday-Friday or email thomas.mcdowell@usc.salvationarmy.org. The Salvation Army also has a location in Beloit at 628 Broad Street, and residents can call 608-365-6572 for that branch.
For more information about housing, food, emergency, and other community resources, refer to HPL’s Community Resource Guide, stop into the library, or call 608-758-6600.