AtoZ Food America
With thousands of recipes, hundreds of fascinating culture and ingredient articles, and essential culinary resources, Food America brings United States cuisines to you! Hedberg cardholder exclusive.
Britannica Escolar
Enciclopedia español para los estudiantes y educadores. Spanish encyclopedia for students and educators. Available through the Wisconsin BadgerLink project.
Britannica Fundamentals
Read, Explore, Play, Create with interactive content for young learners. Available through the Wisconsin BadgerLink project.
Britannica Moderna
Incluye artículos, imágenes, mapas, tablas, líneas de tiempo, así como un diccionario completo y atlas. Includes articles, images, maps, tables, timelines, as well as a complete dictionary and atlas.
Britannica School
Subject articles, biographies, photos, maps, graphs, videos, and more. Select your level (elementary, middle, high school) and start searching. Available through the Wisconsin BadgerLink project.
Britannica School Early Elementary
Learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of PreK-2 students and educators. Access Britannica Fundamentals content through this new resource.
Education Source (EBSCO)
Research database designed for education students, professionals, and policymakers.
Explora for Elementary School
Find age appropriate information about popular research topics from magazines, books, pictures, and videos. Available through the Wisconsin BadgerLink project.
Explora for Middle and High School
Find information about popular research topics from magazines, books, pictures, videos, and primary sources. Available through the Wisconsin BadgerLink project.
Global Road Warrior
Explore the countries of the world through their culture, history, language, travel information, facts, and statistics. Hedberg cardholder exclusive.
Library and Information Science Source (EBSCO)
Research database for library and information science students, professionals, and policymakers.
Literary Reference Center Plus
Information about authors' lives and works - great for school reports, book clubs, and readers! Available through the Wisconsin BadgerLink project.
Points of View Reference Source (EBSCO)
Resources presenting multiple sides of an issue to help assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills. For high school and adult learners.